Today we’re listening to…“Au fond du temple saint” (popularly known as “The Pearl Fishers Duet”) a tenor duet from Georges Bizet's 1863 French opera Les pêcheurs de perles. Jussi Bjoerling and Robert Merrill are singing here and this version is by far my favorite. This duet follows in the great nineteenth-century tradition of operatic “Friendship” duets, which typically feature tenor and baritone singing complementary, not parallel, musical lines.
I am a senior citizen of India who has been a lover of western classical music for over 65 years now. I love Italian Opera very much as well as Bizet's Carmen and The Pearl Fishers. Thank you for this gem of Bjorling and Merrill.
Absolutely beautiful
One of my favourites.
One of my very favourite pieces!
Me too! And yay - you are in :-) just responded to your email 😊
I got that, thank you :) Thoroughly enjoyable. Hvorostovsky is such a missed talent.
I am a senior citizen of India who has been a lover of western classical music for over 65 years now. I love Italian Opera very much as well as Bizet's Carmen and The Pearl Fishers. Thank you for this gem of Bjorling and Merrill.
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